
Showing posts from October, 2019

Automatic Sliding Doors: Working Process and Maintenance

Have you ever thought about how the sliding door opens and closes precisely the time you reach beside it? At first, it looks like any superpower is controlling these doors or there is some magic going on. Well, these are nothing but absurd thoughts. Today, it is the 21st century, and everything has science behind it. Likewise, sliding doors also work on a pre-defined mechanism. In a city like Dubai, which is commercially advanced, you will find every small to big supermarket equipped with these innovative doors. Furthermore, if you are looking for accustomed automatic sliding doors in Dubai , then there are a plethora of options lingering all over.  The working of automatic sliding doors The automatic sliding door works with the help of sensors which is driven and handled via electricity. The sensors are connected with the door panels through cogwheel. This wheel is then united with the belts. These rubber belts are responsible for the movement of doors. Coming ove